Monday, July 18, 2011

Living By Divine Design

Have you ever tried to see yourself and your life through the eyes of others? I have, a thousand times! I get lost in all of the details of thought. The Biography Channel has become a treat for me! I watch it for inspiration. I love seeing the documentaries of famous people because like all of us, they have had their setbacks too. What I love about biographies is the fact that you get a chance to see the beginning and sometimes the ending of a person’s life. You see what made them who they were, what influenced and inspired them. And you see the results of their strivings. You see the results of a life lived.

In Designing Self, I talked about how who we think we are, may be the results of re-design by a team of people known and unknown, who decided that you should be different; that the real you was not good enough. They were people that had some influence over us. Why else would we believe them, versus our divine blueprint, our Divine Design? Maybe they are a part of our lessons, the elements that make us stronger, helping us to reveal our true, divine selves, by overcoming the obstacles they present.

I watched and listened closely to the documentaries on the Bio Channel, mapping the person’s life, transitions in their lives, their influences, their weaknesses, strengths, their passions and desires, their talents. If we could see our lives in this way, from a bird’s eye view, a plan view, from the outside, looking in, we would be better co-Creators and fulfillers of our plans. I see that the designer in me is still alive! This means that I think in design, visuals. I need to see some results! A plan, man! Or wo-man!

Family, Culture and Community are a part of our biographical story. They are elements of our design. Naturally speaking, design, creativity in writing and in the arts is a part of my design. A love of nature is also a part of my design. Innate interests and talents are indications. Your passion and commitment will reveal your Divine Design.

So, how does one Live By Divine Design? Here are lessons that I’ve learned on my journey in discovering me and Living By Divine Design:

1. Prayer - Humble and revealing prayer is effectual. It reveals the heart and the truth of the matter. God wants to know that you are honest, mostly with yourself.

2. Know Thy Self - Uncover the truth about you, your true feelings, likes, dislikes, talents, fears, passions, etc. Deal with the unpleasant. You know the things that you’ve kept hidden, even from self. Take inventory of the things that you love and look forward to doing. These may be hobbies or parts of job that you love most.

3. Do the things that you love, in search of your passion, the thing that you naturally do, that are second nature. These things are natural extensions of you.

4. Be open for what comes out of your search for you. You might be surprised!

5. Live according to your own truths - Living according to the truth of others, gets you nowhere.

6. Forget the Joneses - Your work and all that you do should be done with the Creator in mind, as your boss, your mentor and your judge.

7. Do what you were born to do! It is usually something that you’ve always done; something that is a part of your makeup.

8. Live By Faith!! Not by sight. Forget about the economy! Stop living according to the fear factor.

9. Career and personal life are one in the same when you’re Living By Divine Design!

10. Stop planning for retirement! How do you retire from the work that God sent you here to do? Continue to manage your money and career, but why quit what you were born to do, prematurely?