Saturday, November 28, 2009

What I Have Learned

I am ending one in a series of graduate courses that I am taking towards a graduate certificate program, Counseling Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Persons. It has been a challenge, balancing the responsibilities of work, family and school.


Describes my experience in this class, Work, Identity, and Adult Development.

INTERESTING, in that the course explored the meaning of life in reference to work and the evolving identity of adults. We used the insights of Erik Erikson(Psychoanalyst and student of Sigmund Freud) on adult development to analyze and explore this process of identity development. I feel more intimate with Erikson having studied his insights in this class. In prior graduate studies, his depth of spirit and connection to the human condition was not enlivened as it was in this course. Of course this is due to the interest and connection that our instructor has with the life and works of Erikson. This course has sparked an interest and a connection with Erikson that I hadn't experienced.

We also watched a very old film, Wild Strawberries (Smultronstallet, Swedish title), written and directed by Ingmar Bergman in 1957. It's the story of an old man recalling his past. The film was an eerie, yet very insightful account of the emotions and issues concerning adult development and the end of life stage of development. The film was excellent. It's a must see.

CHALLENGING, in that there was lot of reading and carving out the time to do it with work and a family. I completed my Masters degree when I was 7 months pregnant, but definitely prior to my kids.  The stress is much different with the added responsibility that you can't say no to: Family, Work and School. You can't say no to either. Balancing it was the challenge.

FULFILLING, in that I love to learn and I haven't been in school in nearly 4 years. Gaining more insight into my work and being able to interact with those outside of my day-to-day career circle was refreshing and inspirational.

REVEALING, in that interacting with others in a learning environment reveals  a reflection of yourself that is a critique of your insight and abilities or lack of. Individual personality and style were evident. Half of the class were doctoral students and other half were graduate level students, as this was a doctoral level course. It was interesting that three of the doctoral students(female) separated themselves from the rest of us, including the one, male doctoral student, who sort of solo. He actually interacted with the us (graduate level) more.  This was interesting. I wonder why. Birds of a feather stick together?

Contrary to the body language, I thought the GROUP was very effective in exploring and synthesizing the concept of adult development and identity. I enjoyed and respected everyone's insight. I especially loved the way that one of the (D) students was able to synthesize the insights of the group members and put it into simple terms that all could understand. That's skill. I also loved the creativity and humor of the male (D) student. He was also able to synthesize the insights and sometimes disconnects with creativity and humor. Very valuable skills!

This class encourages me as I've just stepped into the adult stage of my life.

On to the next class.